Sunday, September 22, 2013

How Busy People Can Lower Their Cholesterol

The schedules most adults keep could kill a horse. You get up at five in the morning, commute to work, stay all day and return home. Do you get to drop into an easy chair and rest? Nope, there's too much stuff that has to be done. Dinner has to be prepared, homework checked and that annoying leak in the bathroom sink needs fixed.
All of this leaves many of us with a problem. We've got high cholesterol and most of the means of reducing it take time. Unfortunately, time is at a premium, and the cholesterol problem gets shoved behind cleaning the cat box and fixing the regulator in the oven.
There are ways to slip in some of the things that can reduce your numbers. It will take a little planning and perhaps ingenuity on your part, but you can do it.
To be honest, most people who have desk jobs eat at their desk. In fact, they often go down to the lunch truck, get a burger or burrito and bring it back up so they can keep working. The only benefit to this scenario is the walk to the truck.
Instead, bring your lunch. Unless you happen to like sandwiches, you don't have to go that route. There are some fairly healthy, lower cholesterol frozen meals available at the grocery store now. Most of them even taste good.
There is also the option of making something at home to take to work. Lunch boxes and their accessories have come a long way since our childhood days, and it is now safe to bring some stuff, especially if you can keep it cold until time to eat it.
Do you really have to work through lunch? You might find your afternoon far more productive if you take a little time out for a walk. Most people can do a mile in about fifteen minutes. This helps you clear your mind, reduce stress, and yes, cut cholesterol.
You may also want to take the 10,000 steps a day challenge. It's easy. Get a pedometer…they're about six bucks…and start walking. Park at the back of the lot at work or at the grocery store so you have to walk further. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Go for your lunch walk and/or take the kids when you get home. It's not a difficult program and it sneaks exercise into your life.
Garlic, fish oil and flax seeds may be beneficial in helping your cholesterol numbers. While recent studies question how much garlic is helpful, it's still often recommended for cholesterol problems.
There is another supplement that may be recommended. This is not an argument against it; I think it could be a helpful tool for some. I am saying that caution is necessary. Red yeast rice contains elements that act like statins. Because it does act like one, there are major drug interactions to watch out for…particularly if you are already on a statin. The FDA is also considering banning its use as a supplement. The idea is that it is too much like these prescription medications and taking it without a doctor watching over you could be dangerous.
If none of the above work, or they don't work enough, you may need medications. Your doctor can explain what he or she wants you to take and how to take them. Test will have to be done periodically to check for potential side effects, particularly involving the liver and kidneys.
You can lower your cholesterol, even if you lead a busy life. You may also find that the steps you take make you feel better in other ways.

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